





インストールはpython moduleなので

$ python3 -m pip install goatools


wget http://geneontology.org/ontology/go-basic.obo
wget http://www.geneontology.org/ontology/subsets/goslim_generic.obo



$ find_enrichment.py
python find_enrichment.py study.file population.file gene-association.file

This program returns P-values for functional enrichment in a cluster of study
genes using Fisher's exact test, and corrected for multiple testing (including
Bonferroni, Holm, Sidak, and false discovery rate).

About significance cutoff:
--alpha: test-wise alpha; for each GO term, what significance level to apply
        (most often you don't need to change this other than 0.05 or 0.01)
--pval: experiment-wise alpha; for the entire experiment, what significance
        level to apply after Bonferroni correction

       [-h] [--annofmt {gene2go,gaf,gpad,id2gos}] [--taxid TAXID] [--alpha ALPHA] [--pval PVAL] [--pval_field PVAL_FIELD]
       [--outfile OUTFILE] [--ns NS] [--id2sym ID2SYM] [--sections SECTIONS] [--outfile_detail OUTFILE_DETAIL] [--compare]
       [--ratio RATIO] [--prt_study_gos_only] [--indent] [--obo OBO] [--no_propagate_counts] [-r]
       [--relationships [RELATIONSHIPS ...]] [--method METHOD] [--pvalcalc {fisher_scipy_stats}] [--min_overlap MIN_OVERLAP]
       [--goslim GOSLIM] [--ev_inc EV_INC] [--ev_exc EV_EXC] [--ev_help] [--ev_help_short]
       filenames filenames filenames

positional arguments:
  filenames             data/study data/population data/association

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --annofmt {gene2go,gaf,gpad,id2gos}
                        Annotation file format. Not needed if type can be determined using filename (default: None)
  --taxid TAXID         When using NCBI's gene2go annotation file, specify desired taxid (default: 9606)
  --alpha ALPHA         Test-wise alpha for multiple testing (default: 0.05)
  --pval PVAL           Only print results with uncorrected p-value < PVAL. Print all results, significant and otherwise, by setting
                        --pval=1.0 (default: 0.05)
  --pval_field PVAL_FIELD
                        Only print results when PVAL_FIELD < PVAL. (default: None)
  --outfile OUTFILE     Write enrichment results into xlsx or tsv file (default: None)
  --ns NS               Limit GOEA to specified branch categories. BP=Biological Process; MF=Molecular Function; CC=Cellular
                        Component (default: BP,MF,CC)
  --id2sym ID2SYM       ASCII file containing one geneid and its symbol per line (default: None)
  --sections SECTIONS   Use sections file for printing grouped GOEA results. Example SECTIONS values:
                        goatools.test_data.sections.gjoneska_pfenning goatools/test_data/sections/gjoneska_pfenning.py
                        data/gjoneska_pfenning/sections_in.txt (default: None)
  --outfile_detail OUTFILE_DETAIL
                        Write enrichment results into a text file containing the following information: 1) GOEA GO terms, grouped
                        into sections 2) List of genes and ASCII art showing section membership 3) Detailed list of each gene and GO
                        terms w/their P-values (default: None)
  --compare             the population file as a comparison group. if this flag is specified, the population is used as the study
                        plus the `population/comparison` (default: False)
  --ratio RATIO         only show values where the difference between study and population ratios is greater than this. useful for
                        excluding GO categories with small differences, but containing large numbers of genes. should be a value
                        between 1 and 2. (default: None)
  --prt_study_gos_only  Print GO terms only if they are associated with study genes. This is useful if printng all GO results
                        regardless of their significance (--pval=1.0). (default: False)
  --indent              indent GO terms (default: False)
  --obo OBO             Specifies location and name of the obo file (default: go-basic.obo)
                        Do not propagate counts to parent terms (default: False)
  -r, --relationship    Propagate counts up all relationships, (default: False)
  --relationships [RELATIONSHIPS ...]
                        Propagate counts up user-specified relationships, which include: part_of regulates negatively_regulates
                        positively_regulates (default: None)
  --method METHOD       Available methods: local( bonferroni sidak holm fdr ) statsmodels( sm_bonferroni sm_sidak holm_sidak sm_holm
                        simes_hochberg hommel fdr_bh fdr_by fdr_tsbh fdr_tsbky fdr_gbs ) (default: bonferroni,sidak,holm,fdr_bh)
  --pvalcalc {fisher_scipy_stats}
                        fisher_scipy_stats (default: fisher_scipy_stats)
  --min_overlap MIN_OVERLAP
                        Check that a minimum amount of study genes are in the population (default: 0.7)
  --goslim GOSLIM       The GO slim file is used when grouping GO terms. (default: goslim_generic.obo)
  --ev_inc EV_INC       Include specified evidence codes and groups separated by commas (default: None)
  --ev_exc EV_EXC       Exclude specified evidence codes and groups separated by commas (default: None)
  --ev_help             Print all Evidence codes, with descriptions (default: True)
  --ev_help_short       Print all Evidence codes (default: True)




$ find_enrichment.py ./data/at_gene_list.txt ./data/at_all_gene_list.txt ./data/at_go_association.txt  --outfile=at_go_enrichment.tsv


import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_csv('/home/kuro/goatools/data/at_gene_list.txt', header=None)
df2 = pd.read_csv('/home/kuro/goatools/data/at_all_gene_list.txt', header=None)
df = pd.concat([df1,df2],axis=0)
df3 = df[df.duplicated()]
df3.to_csv('/home/kuro/goatools/data/at_gene_list1.txt', header=None, index=False)


デフォルトではp_uncorrected<0.05となっているようで、ここをfdr_bhのp value <0.05にしてみたり、もっと数値を上げ下げしてみるといい場合があるだろう。

$ find_enrichment.py ./data/at_gene_list.txt ./data/at_all_gene_list.txt ./data/at_go_association.txt--pval=0.01 --method bonferroni,fdr_bh --pval_field fdr_bh --outfile=at_go_enrichment.tsv, at_go_enrichment.xlsx
