





KIOXIAの32GB microSDだけで元値超えてるんじゃない?
Linuxの走るM2スタイルのCPUボードに64MB DDR2メモリ、2Mピクセルのカメラ、SDカードスロット、1.3インチIPSモニタ、USB-OTG、無線LAN、3軸ジャイロ、マイク、スピーカーまでついている。


��3����	-'�-�m�����)��Ӵ��)R��+��------run rc.preboot file-----
[?25lsetup console
[H[Jfbv - The Framebuffer Viewer
140 x 140
[H[J[?25h------run rc.modules file-----
------run rc.final file-----
Load mpp modules
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/4.9.118/videobuf2-core.ko': No such file or directory
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/4.9.118/videobuf2-memops.ko': No such file or directory
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/4.9.118/videobuf2-v4l2.ko': No such file or directory
load /etc/asound.conf ...
alsactl: set_control:1461: Cannot write control '2:0:0:codec trigger playback time value:0' : Operation not permitted
alsactl: set_control:1461: Cannot write control '2:0:0:codec trigger capture time value:0' : Operation not permitted
Starting app...
enable android usb
Initializing random number generator... done.
Starting network...
generate key
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0101 00:00:06.624842   803 dup2SeldomUsedFd.c:20] [60D[60C<dup2SeldomUsedFdInit> gFdLock init
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
udhcpc: started, v1.27.2
udhcpc: sending discover
I0101 00:00:07.530875   803 mpi_sys.c:766] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_SYS_SetConf> kfctmpdir is [/tmp]
I0101 00:00:07.532697   803 mpi_sys.c:1195] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init
I0101 00:00:07.532854   803 mpi_sys.c:1197] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init done
I0101 00:00:07.536176   803 hwdisplay.c:83] [60D[60C<hw_display_init> [1;34m<hw_display_init:83> [90D[90C[0m
I0101 00:00:07.536359   803 hwdisplay.c:989] [60D[60C<hwd_init> [1;34m<hwd_init:989> [90D[90C[0m(hwd_init 989)
I0101 00:00:07.536538   803 hwdisplay.c:1044] [60D[60C<hwd_init> [1;34m<hwd_init:1044> [90D[90C[0mret[0][2,0]ch[2]lyl[0] init: enable[1], screenwin[0,0, 240x240], zorder[16], alpha[mode:0, value:255]
I0101 00:00:07.536736   803 alsa_interface.c:659] [60D[60C<alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:0
I0101 00:00:07.606276   803 alsa_interface.c:721] [60D[60C<alsaOpenMixer> set player pa switch level 0
I0101 00:00:07.606596   803 alsa_interface.c:709] [60D[60C<alsaOpenMixer> set playback vol_val to value: 27
E0101 00:00:07.744445   803 video_buffer_manager.c:211] [60D[60C<VideoBufMgrCreate> Alloc 20 input frame buffers in list manager.
E0101 00:00:07.745197   803 VideoVirVi_Component.c:481] [60D[60C<VideoViSetViDevAttr> fps 20 nbufs 3
E0101 00:00:07.796672   803 video_buffer_manager.c:211] [60D[60C<VideoBufMgrCreate> Alloc 20 input frame buffers in list manager.
E0101 00:00:07.797082   803 VideoVirVi_Component.c:481] [60D[60C<VideoViSetViDevAttr> fps 20 nbufs 3
I0101 00:00:07.804659   803 hwdisplay.c:1244] [60D[60C<hwd_get_disp_type> [1;32m<hwd_get_disp_type:1244> [90D[90C[0mCurrent the  disp_type:0x1  tv_mode:0x0
I0101 00:00:07.804977   803 hwdisplay.c:1117] [60D[60C<hwd_layer_request_hlay> [1;34m<hwd_layer_request_hlay:1117> [90D[90C[0mhlay:0, zorder=0, cnt:2
I0101 00:00:07.805199   803 mpi_vo.c:1030] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_VO_SetVideoLayerAttr> ch[0]lyl[0]:dispRect changed, [0, 0, 320x240]->[0, 0, 240x240]
I0101 00:00:07.805321   803 hwdisplay.c:408] [60D[60C<hwd_layer_set_rect> [1;34m<hwd_layer_set_rect:408> [90D[90C[0mch[0]lyl[0]: screen_win[0,0, 240x240]
E0101 00:00:07.805822   803 vo.c:683] [60D[60C<vo_init> debuf create vo channel[0] success!
I0101 00:00:07.806197   889 Clock_Component.c:1109] [60D[60C<Clock_ComponentThread> ClockComp state[0x1]->Idle!
E0101 00:00:07.806368   803 vo.c:718] [60D[60C<vo_init> debuf create clock channel[0] success!
I0101 00:00:07.806529   889 cedarx_avs_counter.c:148] [60D[60C<avscounter_start> (f:avscounter_start, l:148) Avscounter status [pause]->[run], pauseDuration[0][0]ms
I0101 00:00:07.806711   803 hwdisplay.c:1117] [60D[60C<hwd_layer_request_hlay> [1;34m<hwd_layer_request_hlay:1117> [90D[90C[0mhlay:9, zorder=9, cnt:3
I0101 00:00:07.806860   803 mpi_vo.c:1030] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_VO_SetVideoLayerAttr> ch[2]lyl[1]:dispRect changed, [0, 0, 320x240]->[0, 0, 240x240]
I0101 00:00:07.806959   803 hwdisplay.c:408] [60D[60C<hwd_layer_set_rect> [1;34m<hwd_layer_set_rect:408> [90D[90C[0mch[2]lyl[1]: screen_win[0,0, 240x240]
I0101 00:00:07.807058   803 mpi_vo.c:1130] [60D[60C<AW_MPI_VO_SetVideoLayerAlpha> video layer alpha changed, [0, 128]->[0, 25]
E0101 00:00:07.808746   803 vo.c:454] [60D[60C<CreateVoUiLayer> create vo channel[0] success!
udhcpc: sending discover


I0101 00:00:16.854119   890 mpi_vo.c:508] [60D[60C<VideoRenderEventHandler> KeyFrameDecoded, pts[0]us
E0101 00:00:16.854372   890 vo.c:286] [60D[60C<VoUiCallbackWrapper> debuf vo report rendering start

BusyBox v1.27.2 () built-in shell (ash)

------run profile file-----
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root@sipeed:/# PaUnixThread_New: Waited for 0.00035175 seconds for stream to start


